Thursday, May 7, 2009

Working Title

My cousin, Devlin, read my blog and replied in an email, “I have become your first follower… Hurray for me!! Everyone else can just get in line… ha!” I guess now, I have an official blog.

Additionally, he commented on the working title for my blog, Trek and subsequent book by providing a link to I have provided a picture in this posting identifying what book already has this title. Very funny.

So now, because of a dancing hamster (the Pussycat Dolls also have an album) I must create an additional piece somewhere in the title of my book.

Are there any suggestions from my followers? Oh, Dev is the only one. Hopefully, that will change.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think one ever needs to grow up. I think you should call it "Someday... I Might Grow Up."
