Monday, August 31, 2009


I was so glad to be rid of the boots that caused so many problems and so happy to have new boots that I decided today was the day to get ready to head back down the trail. That meant doing laundry, repacking, and ensuring I got a good carbo load. So, that evening, Adrienne and I headed to Rock Bottom Brewery in town.

I was very hungry, so I ordered chicken wings and onion rings to start. That would be followed by an 8 oz filet mignon with potatoes and vegetable; all of this along with their house beers. Alli was the waitress and she did a fantastic job ensuring the meal was just right. I offered her to join the "fan club." She asked what club and I explained my sojourn. She was intrigued, asked for my blogsite, and then proceeded to inform everyone in the brewery about my journey. She also surprised me with extra wings! Thanks, Alli.


  1. Hi there! As promised, I checked out your blog. I do not believe these are Vasque shoes -- if they are, they are a very old style that we haven't carried for at least four years. I don't recognize them.

    Good luck on your adventures!

    -- Sarah from RW Shoe. :)

  2. It just occurred to me that these are most likely your new boots. If so, nevermind. :) Safe travels!
