Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I never posted the final leg of my journey. It will definitely have to be broken down into several smaller legs. I am considering IN, KY, TN, and GA before I get to FL. The weather should be fine, so we will see where I go.

1 comment:

  1. So you will be traveling down I-75 though Macon GA. Hmmm guess who lives just off the Bass Rd Exit? ME!!!!Daughter, Hillary Lives in Atlanta off 75. Hers is the 10th street exit. If u find yourself in Atlanta during rush hour pull off there and give her a call. If you need a bed to crash in Macon is the spot.Hillary does have a hide a bed if you wanna crash in Atlanta. She knows where the fun is at there. I can e-mail u privately with our phone #'s. Happy trails. Cousin Paula
