I officially started walking from Aunt Lyla's house in Sisseton, SD and stopped first at the Tastee Freez for a bbq sandwich and thankfully I did because it would prove to be the only meal of the day other than Uncle Tommy's beef jerky.
After my sandwich I headed south down old Hwy 81. I remember this road from my youth. Before the interstate was built we used to travel this route to Gogie's (my great grandmother) house in Sisseton. This time I had 4 miles of it to walk before I headed east toward Browns Valley, MN.
This walk already brought about a lot of memories, thoughts, and reflection. My initial excitement carried me thru most of the day. I felt really free. I could go anywhere. I could do anything.
I had forgotten how much wildlife exists in SD. Garter snakes, turkeys, pheasants, frogs, and farm dogs were everywhere. I need to thank Ricky J for recommending a walking stick for my trip, especially when the farm dogs start barking and running down the driveway towards you. Thankfully, I Didn't have to use it as a weapon, but it did come in handy as a leaning post and it assisted me along toward the end of the day.
As I headed east, the road become hilly and wouldn't end. It was down Eastman Rd which was to connect with SD Hwy 10 and it never seemed to arrive. After I connected with the hwy, it was another 3 miles into Browns Valley. That was the longest 3 miles I have ever walked, ran, biked, or swam.
I checked into the Riverside Lodge right at the west edge of town at almost 8:00 pm and found it was nothing more than a large farmhouse with the upstairs converted into something similar to a hostel in Europe. This lodge consisted of 6 rooms with several beds in each. My room had 3 other beds and mine had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sheets. Cool.
After settling in, the owner, Kathryn recommended I hurry into town because "they roll up the sidewalks" after 9:00 pm. I took her advice and walked the mile or so into town and found that everything was closed and of course this was after walking all the way to the end of Main Street on aching feet and cramping back. So, I crossed the street and headed back on the opposite side. As I walked, I noticed a lone car pull in front of a building which had a Budweiser sign illuminated. Other than that, all else was dark. Several gentlemen exited the vehicle and walked inside the building thru the front door. I followed and discovered a bar that could serve pizza and beer. I was starving and I ordered a Snickers bar to accompany my meal.
Conversation ensued with the bartender and several customers about what I was doing in town and how long I would be staying. I explained all of this along with how I started out from Sisseton earlier in the day and that my plans were to continue on to FL. I then ate my food, watched the Twins game and mentioned I wasn't looking forward to walking back to the lodge after such a long day. Surprisingly, no one offered me a ride. So, is this how my journey begins? Does this confirm the second of my goals, that people aren't all that nice? Will the rest of my trip be like this? If so, I have concerns because it is a long way to FL.
Darin, I am excited that you are finally on your way. You look great with that smile. I love you.